our lady of health, sancoale

The Ruins of the Sancoale Church. Today only the facade of the original church stands erect. It has been declared a protected monument. Behind it is the new chapel of Our Lady of Health which was built by Rev. Fr. Proto Faria between 1983-1990.
It is at this church that Saint Joseph Vaz wrote the letter of Bondage.
Let it be known to all who see this “Letter of Bondage”, angels, human beings, and all creatures, that I, Fr. Joseph Vaz, sell and offer myself as a perpetual slave of the Virgin Mother of God. This I do through a free, spontaneous, and perfect act of devotion, which in law is known as an irrevocable act among the living.
I give myself and all that I possess so that she, as my true mistress and mother, may dispose of me and my possessions as she wills.
And because I consider myself unworthy of such an honour, I beseech my Guardian Angel and the glorious patriarch St. Joseph, the most blessed Spouse of this Sovereign Lady and the Saint whose name I bear, as well as all the citizens of heaven, that they may obtain from Her this favour to be included among the number of Her slaves.
I confirm this and seal it with my name. I would have liked to sign it with my heart’s blood. Written in the Church of Sancoale, at the foot of the altar of the same Virgin Mary Mother of God, Our Lady of Health, on this day the 5th August, the feast of Our Lady of Snows, in the year 1677.
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